Call for Papers

For the past six years, CSO Week has been a cornerstone event, bringing together over 3000 civil society actors to engage in vibrant discussions on topics crucial to Tanzanias future. Evolving from its inception as a platform for engagement with the government, CSO Week has grown into a renowned event recognized for its effective methodologies and impactful dialogue.

Civil Society Organizations Week 2024 (CSO Week 2024)

Theme: Voice, Vision, Value

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for Civil Society Organizations Week 2024 (CSO Week 2024), scheduled to take place from the 9th - 13th of Month, 2024, at the Mount meru Hotel in Arusha.

CSO Week 2024 invites practitioners, policymakers, experts, and professionals to share their real-world experiences, insights, and case studies that contribute to the discourse on enhancing community engagement and advocacy for sustainable development.

  1. Climate Change and Environment
  2. Business, Trade and Finance
  3. Policy and Vision 2050
  4. Generation Equality
  5. Future Thinking
  6. Connectivity
  7. Sustainable Development
Submission Guidelines:

Abstract submissions start from 25th May, 2024 with a maximum of 300 words. Full papers should be submitted before 18th August 2024 adhering to the paper requirements.

Important Notes:
  1. Submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process by practitioners and experts.
  2. Accepted papers will be featured in the conference proceedings.

We invite practitioners and experts to share their insights, experiences, and real-world examples at CSO Week 2024. Together, let us drive positive change and advance sustainable development through strengthened community engagement and advocacy.

For more information and to submit your abstract, please contact us at [email protected]

Join us at CSO Week 2024 and be a part of shaping the future of community engagement and advocacy for sustainable development.